Words of Encouragement

"She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the futre." Proverbs 31:25

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hey Blog Pals,
Today is a beautiful day...it was windy but never-the-less it was a day the Lord had made...and I was lucky enough to breathe that air.
So I am making this post short and sweet. I wanted to talk a little about where I came up with my blog name Laurel's Light.
It seemed a little silly playing around with names that were close to mine and with some of my sister's help, I managed to come up with it on my own!
So anyway as you know, my name is Lauren and I wanted to find what my name meant. Seems pretty cliche but
who cares right!? Anyway my name is french for crowned with Laurel...which I find very beautiful. I didn't want to just use "crowned with Laurel", I wanted it to have meaning.
So I thought about something to do with nursing...but I wanted the second word to start with an L. So here I am thinking, thinking, thinking (I'm not that creative really). Well I started thinking light was a good word and it has a totally appropriate meaning...

I know your dying to know what it is...

Ok, so basically the connection comes from Florence Nightingale. She was known as the "Lady with the Lamp" For those of you not so nerdy with the history Florence Nightingale was a nurse and an awesome one at that. I found this awesome quote that basically sums up the purpose of her and why "Light" was my word of choice

This lamp... was a symbol of all Florence Nightingale stood for, comfort and kindness and gentleness and courage, and an unswerving devotion to duty. Perhaps deep down, she knew even then that the light from it would go on shining far into the future..."
Doesn't sound so cliche now does it? :)

I hope that one day I embody that kind of nursing spirit and hopefully pass that "light" onto others

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