Words of Encouragement

"She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the futre." Proverbs 31:25

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So I am not really sure what to write about today. Maybe about what has been
floating through my head the last couple days.
I will start with my day at work.

So as you know I work at the hosptial...which I love. But today for some
 reason was just crazy...enough to make me hate the job almost.
That sounds bad but we were so incredibly understaffed today it was ridiculous. I wish I could make three of me. Anyway, I had a patient today that just about broke my heart. Without violating HIPPA here I will just say he was the sweetest old man I have every met...with Alzhiemers.
If you know anything about this disease, you will know it is debilitating and deadly.

He asked for a hug today.

I almost burst into tears.

Safe to say I don't know if I could work in a nursing home, or with Alzhiemers patients when I become a nurse. I don't think I could handle it.
Just knowing that your mind is gone and you can't even remember your own daughter...or son...or even your own name possibly. 

That's what I was going to lead into for my second thought.
I feel so incredibly lucky for the things I have.
I can walk
I can talk
I am so healthy its insane
I know who my family is and know that they love me so much
I know that the Lord is there and He never fails me

I couldn't imagine if I couldn't remember my sister, dad, the Lord.

So I shall leave you with this.
Take each day and THANK the Lord that you are alive, healthy, and well physically and mentally.
If I have learned one thing the short time I have worked in the healthcare field, it is to cherish the moments God has given me.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hey Blog Pals,
Today is a beautiful day...it was windy but never-the-less it was a day the Lord had made...and I was lucky enough to breathe that air.
So I am making this post short and sweet. I wanted to talk a little about where I came up with my blog name Laurel's Light.
It seemed a little silly playing around with names that were close to mine and with some of my sister's help, I managed to come up with it on my own!
So anyway as you know, my name is Lauren and I wanted to find what my name meant. Seems pretty cliche but
who cares right!? Anyway my name is french for crowned with Laurel...which I find very beautiful. I didn't want to just use "crowned with Laurel", I wanted it to have meaning.
So I thought about something to do with nursing...but I wanted the second word to start with an L. So here I am thinking, thinking, thinking (I'm not that creative really). Well I started thinking light was a good word and it has a totally appropriate meaning...

I know your dying to know what it is...

Ok, so basically the connection comes from Florence Nightingale. She was known as the "Lady with the Lamp" For those of you not so nerdy with the history Florence Nightingale was a nurse and an awesome one at that. I found this awesome quote that basically sums up the purpose of her and why "Light" was my word of choice

This lamp... was a symbol of all Florence Nightingale stood for, comfort and kindness and gentleness and courage, and an unswerving devotion to duty. Perhaps deep down, she knew even then that the light from it would go on shining far into the future..."
Doesn't sound so cliche now does it? :)

I hope that one day I embody that kind of nursing spirit and hopefully pass that "light" onto others

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hello fellow bloggers. This would be my first ever blog and I am so excited! I have to first attribute joining this blog to my sister, legs (as she is refered to by another fellow blogger), and the queen blogger of them all Mom.
The reason I first joined this was so I could put how I really feel about certain
situations in my life...which predominately concern nursing school. And if you have read anything
in my about me, you would know.
I will just first start out by saying that I love school, everything about it...even the stress that comes with it.
I feel it is a gift from the Lord that I am even here in the first place. For that I feel so extremely blessed.
Secondly I love that I get to help people in need one on one in facing difficult situations. It feels
so nice to be able to help people.
Lastly I just have to mention my obsession with pinterest...I suppose obsession isn't really the right word...
more like ok obsession and espically kitty cats. So I shall leave you with these pictures :)
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PS: I love gummi bears.